Lodestone Safety International is offering a 2-day Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course in Beverly, MA. The course is open to anyone interested in gaining skills in first aid, particularly when leading students in remote locations or overseas. Certifications for the course are provided by Wilderness Medical Associates, USA
Course goals and description:
To recognize hazards and to prevent injury and illness
To perform a competent patient assessment and to respond effectively to illness and injury
To make informed decisions for emergency treatment and evacuation in an international setting
Course Description
The program is 16 hours over 2 days. The format will include some lectures, demonstrations and readings, but a significant part of the curriculum is embedded in drills and their debriefings. Curriculum will include the Patient Assessment System, Basic Life Support (including CPR), the big 3 systems, musculoskeletal injuries, environmental challenges, and allergy/anaphylaxis.
Wilderness Medical Associates certifications include CPR, Allergy/Anaphylaxis Workshop and Wilderness First Aid
Dates: Saturday, January 4th, 2020 and Saturday, January 18th, 2020 (must attend both days to receive certification)
Time: 8AM - 5PM
Location: Centerville Improvement Society Hall (CIS Hall) 437 Essex St, Beverly, MA
Cost: $350 (includes certification)
Registration: Please contact Lili Folsom to register: lili@lodestonesafety.com